How to detect fake alert message
Have you ever thought of how to detect fake alert message or are you one of those who don’t even believe in fake transfer probably because it has not occurred to you.

Fake alert is real and its happening every day. Before now, there have been so many ways through which this act is practiced but in this modern days fake alert is more rampant while it also have so many effective tools unlike before.
We once discussed on how to send fake alert in Nigeria and abroad but we shall be talking briefly about it again in this article and also how to detect fake alert message for your own safety.
How to explore Fake alert message
There are many reasons while anyone would attempt fake alert among which it may be for shopping ,paying of debts,Gifting,Cashout etc.
FAKE ALERT FOR SHOPPING: so many small business has been put to risk while many others are already closed down as a result of fake alert.
This fake alert can be used in making payment on either online or offline shops and trust me, people who does this will always go for luxuries.
In a shop where there’s iPhone and android gadgets,they will rather go for the ios and even the most expensive ones since they are not paying with personal funds.
There have been so many cases of ladies caught trying to purchase expensive weavon hairs using fake alert.
The target is always places for luxuries especially Hairs and Gadgets like Laptops ,Phones etc. Though it can be used anywhere so you will have to be extremely careful as a shop owner.
FAKE ALERT FOR CASHOUT: The victims here are usually POS owners. The suspects usually target this sector to get cash in return instead of the usual shopping. Here’s how it’s done.
Suspect will travel to a different location where few or no one knows them, they will locate any pos shop where they are very sure their desired amounts can be cashed.
After doing the fake alert they will collect cash and boom, that will be the last time they will be seen around that area. There have been so many cases of people caught on this act. “so unfortunate to them.
Others does this fake alert in repayment of debts ,or even gifting. The suspects knows better why they are doing the alert at that moment so it’s not something we should dig deeper here.
The main concern here is “How to detect fake alert message” i mean how to know when anyone send you fake alert.
How to Detect fake alert message
This will help you as a business owner to figure when fake alert comes in but not in all circumstances so don’t rely fully on it as our discussion here is two sided. You will understand shortly as you keep reading.
Knowing fake alert message simply means the sender uses easy to detect methods “The sms format” in this format ,the suspect already have your phone number so all they need to do is come to your POS shop for example and ask for your account details in quest to make a transfer.
They will then formulate the alert by editing already exiting credit alert on their phone and changing the name and other details to match the information you have provided after which details will be forwarded as an alert to your phone number using the bulk sms method.
The reason this bulk sms method is used is because the bank name need to show up in the alert so it won’t look like it was sent directly through a phone number.
If you are not careful you will give the money out before you notice something is off and by then the suspect might have gone.
Here are few things to take note of:
Confirmation: If the amount involve is that huge and you’re not so sure about the transaction, you may have to contact the bank for confirmation. This will help you verify the authenticity of the transaction without time waste.
You don’t need to go through the stress of entering the bank and filling only have to contact customer care for your bank.
- Suspects Characters: The suspects are always in a hurry to leave after sending the alert .they wouldn’t give time for confirmation instead all their reflection at that point goes to collecting the cash.
Thats why suspects always target busy shops. They usually succeed here because most times victims won’t have enough time to run a thorough check.They just give out the money out of assumption.
- Check for Errors: In most cases the suspects always make mistakes during editing since they are always in hurry and that’s where you see error in name or account number inside the alert.
Bank will never make mistakes in any spelling as everything is already configured. Check for spelling errors in the alert.
- Not phone number: You should understand that if anyone wants to send you money, they are not supposed to ask for your phone number. Just your bank name and account number and account name is OK.
If anyone come asking for your phone number you should take that as a red flag.
- Check Your Balance: Over 80% of people who does fake alert uses the sms method which means the victims bank balance will not be credited.
If your balance isn’t credited i think you already know what to do. Place customer on hold till funds are confirmed.
Does it mean you can detect every fake transfer? When the suspects uses advanced tools such as we have listed below you may not be able to know it’s fake alert unless after a while.
The best fake alert apps Online
These tools are more effective and advanced so they will help you stay anonymous and also make your alerts appear directly in victims available balance.
You don’t need their phone number to make this work. Just their account number and bank name you are done.
ZOALERT APP: This is an android and iPhone app which makes it possible to send alerts overseas and here in Nigeria without fear of getting caught.
This app is affordable even though it’s not free. This app isn’t based on topup .all you need is pay for your token and you’re good to go.
FLASH FUNDS: This serve same purpose as Zoalert but of different concepts. With any of these tools ,you can send fake alert and it will reflect in the recipient balance.
The money will remain in their balance 14 days maximum duration after which it will disappear. This app is based on topup if you must get it running .it’s not free but it’s affordable.
Using the cardro pro app is another method to send fake alert but we don’t usually recommend it because it have some other features such as carding and bvn hack.
It will be better using a tool which is specifically designed for just fake alert rather than using the one with multi-functions. That does not mean that cardro pro is not a good tool don’t get me wrong.
You don’t expect real things to come free. People who love free things are those who get caught at last because they don’t want to buy effective tools for Hustle.
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